To navigate this catalog, use the above buttons, (Heads, Accessories, and Figures) to get to
the different catagories of items. The logo in the upper left corner will take you
back to the main page, and the "Click Here for Help" link takes
you to the help section you had to access to get here.

Clicking on the picture of an item will open a new window with a better view of it. When you
click "Add to Order" next to the item in the lists, it will be saved to your order list
viewable in the lower left corner of the window.

Clicking on the EDIT ORDER button on the bottom of the window will let you
update quanities or remove items. To update the quanitities, change the number of the item
by altering the number in the text box on the far left and then clicking update. If you accidentally click
on any item more than once or click on a wrong item, you can remove it. To remove
unwanted items or duplicates, click remove on the far right.

Clicking on the SUBMIT ORDER on the bottom of the page will take you
to a page with all the items you've selected and ask for required information
to contact you to confirm and finalize your order.

Be sure to go over the order list and see if it's what you want. If there are any problems,
use the edit order button to correct any items you may no longer want.

The order CANNOT be sent until you provide your NAME and E-MAIL ADDRESS.